
Arianna Rotondo
Department of Humanities
University of Catania (Italy)

Arianna Rotondo pursued PhD in History of Christianity at the University of Padua (Italy). She is a researcher (permanent tenure) of History of Christianity and the Churches at the Department of Humanities of the University of Catania (Italy). She was the Scientific Leader of Catania Research Unit (topic: Modelli e interazioni di genere nei gruppi religiosi antichi: il caso dei gruppi protocristiani) in Research Project FIRB “Futuro in ricerca 2012” funded by MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research): La percezione dello spazio e del tempo nella trasmissione di identità collettive. Polarizzazioni e/o coabitazioni religiose nel mondo antico (I-VI secolo d.C.) [“The construction of space and time in the transmission of collective identities. Religious Polarizations and/or cohabitations in Ancient World (Ist - VIth cent. CE)].
She is Junior Fellow at the University of Regensburg (Project: Beyond Canon. Heterotopies of Authority in Late antique Christianity). Her research interests include gender models and social interactions in the history of ancient and late antique Christianity, late antique Greek poetry (Nonnus of Panopolis, Paraphrase of the Gospel of St. John) and preaching (John Chrysostom) as a device of consent and identity construction. She is author of two published monographs and 30 articles and books chapters.

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